How to Approve or Deny Leave Requests
Team admins can respond to leave requests either through Slack, or through the Flamingo® web app.
You'll be able to view the dates requested, the type of leave, and any additional notes before choosing whether to approve or deny any request.
Responding to Leave Requests in Slack
When a new leave request is made, the Flamingo® app in Slack will send a message to the assigned manager.
To respond to a leave request, go to the Home or Messages tab in the Flamingo® app.
Under the leave request you're responding to, hit Review.
In the popup box, review the details of the leave request, and select Approve or Deny, along with any comments you wish to make.
Hit Submit to finish.
Responding to Leave Requests in the Web App
First, make sure you're logged in to the app.
Find the leave you're going to respond to, either on the timeline or under the "Pending Approval" tab.
Click to bring up details of the leave request, and hit Approve/Deny to respond.
Add any comments you wish to make, and hit either Approve or Deny.
Problems, or questions? Please feel free to contact our support here.