Flamingo® Locking Feature

With Flamingo® , settings made in the past will be locked in. If you make adjustments for future dates, the past leaves will not be impacted by this change.

There are two scenarios this will happen.

1 - When you make a leave request, the work week or public holiday settings at that time will take effect. If you then change the work week or public holidays, it won't change the leave calculation for a leave that already started and finished.

Please note - If the leave request is scheduled for a future date and you change the work week or public holidays, the leave calculation will re-calculate.

(A leave request taken on a non-work day or public holiday is not counted towards a user's leave calculation.)

2 - Another example is, that on the first of January, the leave limits for the past year will be locked. If you had a paid time off limit of 15 days in 2022 and you decide to change this to 20 days in 2023, it won't affect the calculations for 2022.

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