How To Fix "error code: invalid_state"
When trying to install Flamingo® to your Slack workspace, you might get the error message "invalid_state". There are a few steps you can take to fix this.
Some troubleshooting tips
First, try this link to log in -
Please be aware that only Slack workspace admins can add Flamingo® to Slack - Adding Flamingo® to Slack
If Flamingo® is already added to your Slack workspace, you do not need to install Flamingo again for each user. Instead, just ask a Flamingo owner or admin to invite you as a user to Flamingo - How To Add More Users To Flamingo®. Trying to add Flamingo® to Slack when it has already been added could cause this error code.
If you are a Slack admin and Flamingo® has not been added to your Slack workspace already, please ensure you are using the correct link to add Flamingo®.
Problems, or questions? Please feel free to contact our support here.